
Financial Statements GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Limited 170 ( ` in lakhs) Notes As at March 31, 2021 As at March 31, 2020 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment 3 309,64.55 667,62.95 Right of use Assets 46 31,26.43 39,33.57 Capital work-in-progress 3 13,21.43 120,12.15 Investment property 4 1,34.95 1,49.33 Intangible assets 5 43,36.40 49,62.51 Financial assets (i) Deposits 6 8,06.08 8,21.56 (ii) Other financial assets 7 4,01.47 4,13.53 Current tax assets (net) 346,50.01 309,79.65 Deferred tax assets (net) 45 103,12.61 110,48.64 Other non-current assets 8 50,16.72 47,51.36 910,70.65 1358,35.25 Current assets Inventories 9 546,69.81 483,03.22 Financial assets (i) Trade receivables 10 215,60.46 99,80.12 (ii) Cash and cash equivalents 11 405,18.92 104,81.15 (iii) Bank balances other than (ii) above 12 752,78.93 978,39.18 (iv) Other financial assets 13 25,71.60 31,06.08 Other current assets 14 76,53.87 77,67.16 2022,53.59 1774,76.91 Assets classified as held for sale 15 180,11.84 11.23 2202,65.43 1774,88.14 TOTAL ASSETS 3113,36.08 3133,23.39 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES EQUITY Equity share capital 16 169,40.60 169,40.60 Other equity 17 1329,67.37 1651,19.89 Total equity 1499,07.97 1820,60.49 LIABILITIES Non-current liabilities Financial liabilities (i) Borrowings 18 - 2.40 (ii) Other financial liabilities 19 2,05.81 2,07.32 (iii) Other financial lease liabilities 19 20,24.99 26,83.72 Provisions 20 & 25 259,49.88 261,74.45 281,80.68 290,67.89 Current liabilities Financial liabilities (i) Trade payables Total outstanding dues of micro enterprises and small enterprises 21 5,26.94 5,21.38 Total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro enterprises and small enterprises 21 459,20.06 351,84.64 (ii) Other financial liabilities 22 171,90.23 142,89.62 (iii) Other financial lease liabilities 22 14,35.27 14,82.58 Other current liabilities 23 263,85.05 65,12.58 Provisions 24 & 25 254,17.62 280,66.59 Current tax liabilities (net) 163,72.26 161,37.62 1332,47.43 1021,95.01 Total liabilities 1614,28.11 1312,62.90 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 3113,36.08 3133,23.39 Consolidated Balance Sheet as at March 31, 2021 The accompanying notes 1 to 57 are an integral part of the Consolidated Financial Statements In terms of our report attached For Deloitte Haskins & Sells LLP For and on behalf of the Board of Directors Chartered Accountants R. S. Karnad Chairperson DIN: 00008064 S. Venkatesh Managing Director DIN: 07263117 Rupen K. Bhatt P. Thakur CFO & Whole-time Director DIN: 07971789 Partner D. Sundaram Audit Committee Chairman DIN: 00016304 A. Nadkarni Company Secretary FCS 10460 Mumbai, May 18, 2021 Mumbai, May 18, 2021