
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended March 31, 2021 (contd.) Financial Statements GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Limited 194 ( ` in lakhs) As at March 31, 2021 As at March 31, 2020 Note 21 : Trade payables Total outstanding dues of micro enterprises and small enterprises (Refer Note 44) 5,26.94 5,21.38 Total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro enterprises and small enterprises 459,20.06 351,84.64 464,47.00 357,06.02 Note 22 : Current financial liabilities - Others Current Maturity of Interest free deferred sales tax incentive (Refer Note 18) 2.40 15.30 Unclaimed dividends * 19,86.36 20,44.34 Salaries, wages, bonus and employee benefits payable 126,97.57 95,55.20 Creditors for capital goods 2,17.03 24,03.59 Rationalisation relating to a manufacturing site 1,30.28 1,30.28 Other financial lease liabilities - Current (Refer Note 46) 14,35.27 14,82.58 Other Payables 21,56.59 1,40.91 186,25.50 157,72.20 * There are no amounts due and outstanding to be credited to Investor Education and Protection Fund Note 23 : Other current liabilities Statutory dues including provident fund and tax deducted at source 61,94.09 44,33.03 Advance from Customers 4,90.96 3,79.55 Other liabilities 17,00.00 17,00.00 Advance received towards disposal of Vemgal Assets (Refer Note (a) below) 180,00.00 - 263,85.05 65,12.58 Note:- a) During the current year, the company had received money as advance towards disposal of Vemgal Assets consequent to the signing of a binding agreement to sell. However, actual transfer will be concluded in the subsequent year after obtaining all relevant statutory and other approvals / consents / permissions as required by law (Refer Note 15). ( ` in lakhs) As at March 31, 2021 As at March 31, 2020 Note 24 : Current provisions For employee benefits (Refer Note 38) Leave encashment and compensated absences 4,11.44 3,53.52 Post retirement medical and other benefits 3,36.01 3,26.13 For long term incentive plan (Refer Note 25 and 52) 10,18.81 6,61.55 For expected sales returns (Refer Note 25) 72,87.28 52,33.04 For others (Refer Note 25) 163,64.08 214,92.35 254,17.62 280,66.59