
Annual Report 2020-21 21 Performance Summary (Amounts in ` Lakhs) 2020-21 # 2019-20 # 2018-19 # 2017-18 # 2016-17 # 2015-16 # 15 Months Ended March 2015 # 2013 2012 2011 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Revenue from Operations 3193,73 3224,68 3128,53 2895,88 2994,51 2826,21 3362,36 2619,37 2700,34 2429,58 Profit before exceptional items and tax 722,33 646,99 658,82 523,78 465,35 573,63 766,84 703,17 994,78 921,60 Exceptional items (172,60) (324,49) 4,89 17,80 45,73 2,31 (51,88) 26,15 148,22 (322,54) Profit Before Tax 549,73 322,50 663,71 541,58 511,08 575,94 714,96 729,32 1143,00 599,06 Profit for the Period 357,56 110,05 425,36 351,98 336,78 374,53 449,90 501,88 577,26 430,60 BALANCE SHEET Equity share capital 169,41 169,41 169,41 84,70 84,70 84,70 84,70 84,70 84,70 84,70 Other Equity 1348,53 1670,63 1973,01 1995,25 1943,51 2119,94 2382,38 1932,49 1925,31 1835,23 Borrowings 2 18 58 99 1,60 2,37 2,48 4,14 4,59 4,91 1517,96 1840,22 2143,00 2080,94 2029,81 2207,02 2469,57 2021,33 2014,60 1924,84 Property, Plant and Equipment, Intangible Assets and CWIP 397,49 876,71 1432,63 1245,71 858,17 471,71 238,28 161,93 133,19 115,32 Investments including investment properties 25,82 25,97 26,17 49,43 52,99 53,63 53,80 57,67 102,58 159,80 Deferred tax assets (net) 101,67 108,85 60,48 103,05 91,31 100,81 94,83 92,11 86,54 61,47 Net Assets (Current and Non-Current) 992,98 828,69 623,72 682,75 1027,33 1580,87 2082,65 1709,62 1692,29 1588,25 1517,96 1840,22 2143,00 2080,94 2029,81 2207,02 2469,57 2021,33 2014,60 1924,84 OTHER KEY DATA Rupees per ` 10/- Equity Share Dividend 30 .00 20.00 20.00 17.50 15 .00 25.00 31.25 25.00 25.00 22.50 Special Additional Dividend - 20.00 - - - - - - - - Total Dividend* 30 .00 40.00 20.00 17.50 15 .00 25.00 31.25 25.00 25.00 22.50 Earnings per equity share* 21.11** 6.5** 25.11 20.78 19.88 22.11 26.56 29.63 34.08 25.42 Book Value* 89.60 108.62 126.46 122.78 119.72 130.14 145.63 119.08 118.65 113.34 Number of employees 4283 4364 4960 4620 4697 4611 4657 5034 4706 5055 # P eriod 15 Months Ended March 2015, Year 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21 are prepared in accordance with Indian Accounting Standards (“Ind-AS”) and for other years it is prepared as per Indian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (“IGAAP”) * Dividend, Earning per equity share and Book Value have been retrospectively adjusted for September 2018 bonus issue for all the prior years. ** Without considering exceptional items, Earnings per equity share for the period 2019-20 and 2020-21 would be ` 26.69 and ` 31.32 respectively NOTES 1. Figures have been adjusted/regrouped wherever necessary in line with the financial statements, to facilitate comparison. 2. The accounting year of the company has been changed from January - December toApril - March with effect fromMar 2015. Consequently, financial statements from 1 st January, 2014 to 31 st March, 2015 are for 15 months.