
Statutory Reports GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Limited 40 Company has implemented an Internal Financial Control (IFC) framework. It also continues its annual Independent Business Monitoring (IBM), designed by GSK plc and requiring a regular review of activities, data, exceptions and deviations, for monitoring and improving the quality of operations. As part of the due diligence activities for onboarding of vendors and third parties engaged by your Company, they are required to confirm compliance with our corporate values through a detailed Third Party Oversight (TPO) process. As an annual exercise, your Company’s senior executives review and confirm adherence to GSK plc’s IFC. Mandatory training on the GSK Code of Conduct is conducted for all employees. During the year, an enterprise-wide ‘Living our Values’ training was undertaken for all employees and complementary workers. This training accounted for scenarios that explored your Company’s values and their application to its ways of working and risks such as those associated with Privacy as well as Anti-Bribery and Corruption (ABAC). Risk management Your Company has a Risk Management and Compliance Board (RMCB), comprising a team of senior leaders responsible for promoting the ‘tone from the top’ and an appropriate risk culture, besides ensuring effective oversight of internal controls and risk management processes. Each principal risk has an assigned risk owner, accountable for managing the risk, including setting of risk mitigation plans, their implementation, and reporting their approach and progress to the RMCB on a regular basis. The Risk Management Framework, covering business, operational and financial risks, is also reviewed annually by the RMCB. At present, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, there are no risks which may threaten the existence of your Company. Vigil mechanism Your Company has a ‘Speak Up’ programme which offers people whether working for GSK or not, a range of channels to voice concerns and report any misconduct. The Speak Up channel and procedures encourage everyone to raise concerns about potential unethical, illegal or inappropriate conduct, and assure confidentiality and protection from retaliation, retribution or any form of harassment to those reporting such concerns. Confidential Speak Up channels are available to people within and outside the Company. An independent third party manages these reporting lines and calls are logged through their central system to ensure integrity of the programme. Your Company endeavours to treat all questions or concerns about compliance in a confidential manner, even if the person reporting a question or concern identifies himself/herself. Your Company also has an extensive and widely communicated process to prevent, take disciplinary action, and deter acts of sexual harassment. The Speak Up channels can be accessed at page/ on the Company’s website. Your Company also has in place a Whistleblower policy, to provide a mechanism for its employees/external stakeholders to approach local/group management or the Chairperson of the Audit Committee (accindrx. in case of any grievance or concern. The Whistleblower policy can be accessed on your Company’s website (https://india- information/policies/ ) . (g) Human resources Your Company is focused on delivering the strategic priorities set under GSK plc’s global Innovation, Performance and Trust (IPT) framework. Organisational culture The pandemic induced disruptions notwithstanding, your Company continued to prioritise the safety, health and development of its employees, in line with its commitment on People inclusion and diversity, health and wellbeing and continuous learning and development. During the year, the ‘GSK Culture Survey’ was rolled out to obtain feedback from employees and elicit their views on the future ways of working and collaboration. For India, the engagement scores remained greater than 95% even in these