
Statutory Reports GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Limited 42 Employee relations Your Company works with unions for the mutual benefit of its members and provides them forums to voice their opinions and effectively represent themselves. The Company believes these unions to be an integral part of its business and growth. Four unions, based on the selling area zones (North, East, West and South), represent the Medical Business Associates (MBAs) in their respective locations. The union in the West Zone also represents employees of the Nashik manufacturing facility. The management and the unions of your Company are currently engaged in negotiations to arrive at a long-term wage and benefits settlement to be valid for a period of four years. Your Company is grateful to its unions for their positive contributions and maintenance of cordial industrial relations. P revention of sexual harassment at the workplace Your Company has a policy for making the workplace safer, in line with the provisions of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 (India) and the rules thereunder. Your Company has established Internal Committees (ICs) across different zones and manufacturing facilities to address any kind of sexual harassment (SH) complaint. All the members of these ICs are well trained to handle such complaints. During the year, your Company received three SH complaints. One case has been closed after taking appropriate action following detailed investigation, while the remaining two are currently under investigation. The Company aims to further increase awareness around prevention of sexual harassment (POSH) and the working of internal committees through refresher e-learning modules and training programmes. Environment, health, safety and sustainability Your Company’s Environment, Health, Safety and Sustainability (EHSS) strategy is embedded across its value chain. From sourcing of raw materials to the delivery of products, the EHSS practices conform to local laws as well as GSK’s global standards. Your Company is committed to the reduction of the environmental footprint from the production of antibiotics at its manufacturing facility at Nashik, and also resulting from operations of third-party manufacturers, by controlling the release of antibiotic residues into the environment within the science-driven, risk-based discharge limits. This is also in accordance with the AMR (antimicrobial resistance) Industry Alliance’s Antibiotic Manufacturing Framework. Your Company is a signatory to the AMR Industry Alliance, which is one of the largest private sector coalitions set up to provide sustainable solutions to curb AMR and wastewater discharge limits. Your Company continues to invest in the safety of its employees through multiple initiatives. These include the global driver safety programme – ‘Safe Driving: Every Journey Counts’ - for the safety of employees in the field. This is complemented with other initiatives, such as Virtual Risk Manager, OnetoOne+, Mentor and other driving programmes that are instituted to inculcate defensive driving skills. Your Company remains committed to environmental sustainability, and the safety of employees and patients, in line with locally applicable laws and regulations. Your Company has complied with the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) obligations and collected 2,070.52 MT of post- consumer plastic waste from the market in FY 2020-21 and disposed it in an environmentally sustainable manner. (h) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Your Company has a rich legacy of partnering with the communities in which it operates. Strong partnerships with these groups are critical to understanding the needs of the communities and formulate strategies accordingly, to maximise their outreach and impact. The focus of your Company’s CSR efforts, during the year, was on impacting life changing and lasting differences in human health by addressing the healthcare burdens of accessibility, affordability and awareness. The Company touched the lives of over a million