GSK_ Annual_Report_2021-22
GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Limited | Annual Report 2021-22 102 Leadership Indicators Details of beneficiaries of CSR Projects: S. No. CSR Project No. of persons benefited from CSR Projects % of beneficiaries from vulnerable and marginalised groups 1 Albendazole donation for supporting mass drug administration under lymphatic filariasis programme. 32 million albendazole tablets were donated 100% of beneficiaries indicated under our CSR will fall under the vulnerable and marginalised group. 2 Addressing child nutrition through a holistic approach - SNEHA Centres Project 5,100 households 3 WASH facilities in schools with behaviour change communication 10,000 4 Awareness building on ante-and postnatal care 3,000 5 Holistic care for vulnerable underserved girls 150 6 Mainstreaming children who are school dropouts by enhancing their grade level competencies 120 7 GSK Scholars – Enabling future healthcare professionals 117 3.9. Principle 9: Businesses should engage with and provide value to their consumers in a responsible manner We focus on our consumers’ needs and factor their perspectives in developing products that are trustworthy, safe, and effective. We strictly comply Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) regulations for manufacturing the products and ensuring product quality. This assures that our products are manufactured with the highest standards of quality to ensure safety and efficacy of our products. Aligned to statutory requirements, in all our product packaging we provide our consumers with the necessary information regarding the products and additional information that is consistent with scientific evidence. Being a responsible company, our approach for promotion of products is clearly defined by our ‘Code of Practice for Promotional and Non-promotional External Interactions’ policy. This enables us to conform to high levels of ethical, medical, and scientific standards. Essential Indicators 1. Describe the mechanisms in place to receive and respond to consumer complaints and feedback. Your company is committed to identifying and managing Product quality complaints, Human Safety Information (HSI) and Adverse Events (AE) to help safeguard those who take its products or take part in GSK clinical trials (HSI is defined as information relating to human health and/or wellbeing following exposure to GSK products, including AE information). Consumers Your company has multiple mechanisms to receive and respond to consumer complaints and feedback based on the nature of the matter. Consumers can lodge a complaint or raise a concern about our products via email ( india.pharmacovigilance@gsk. com) , call our toll-free number (1800-2222-03), and reach out to us directly via telephone (+91-22-24959595) or mobile device (+91- 8657549542 ). If the consumer is raising a complaint/feedback on possible side-effects of our products can reach out to us via our website- GSK/Contact/SideEffects. Employees If anyone at GSK becomes aware of any HSI / AE in the course of their work, they must report it to the Central Safety Department (CSD) or their Company’s Pharmacovigilance Team within 24 hours of their awareness, which can be done through the Human Safety Information (HSI) / Adverse Events (AE) reporting email - . Protecting our patients means taking this information seriously and your company provides regular reports and discusses actions with regulatory authorities. Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report
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