GSK_ Annual_Report_2021-22
103 Employees also have a responsibility to report product quality complaints to the Quality function through a centralized email ID - 2. Turnover of products / services as a percentage of turnover from all products/services that carry information about: As a percentage to total turnover Environmental and social parameters relevant to the product Not applicable - There are no specific environmental and social parameters relevant to the product since the products are pharmaceutical products prescribed by physicians. Safe and responsible usage 100% - Almost all products are prescriptive products. Hence the dosage/usage instruction for these products is generally as directed by the physician. This directive is mentioned on all its prescription- based products. For non-prescription based products such as some ointments, creams, etc., the usage directions are mentioned on packaging along with the products. Recycling and/or safe disposal Not applicable - While your Company does not specifically mention any such details on its products, it complies with all statutory requirements of the Pollution Control Boards, Extended Producer Responsibility, etc. 3. Consumer complaints in respect of data privacy Your company has a mechanism in place to monitor complaints related to data privacy. There were no consumer complaints received during FY 2021-22. 4. Details of instances of product recalls on account of safety issues: Number Reasons for recall Voluntary recalls 16 The voluntary recalls are initiated by your company based on discrepancies that may have been picked up during ongoing monitoring of product quality standards and labelling as defined in GSK’s Quality Management System and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) regulations in India when your company decides to recall a product either from the market or performs an internal recall of stock which is still within its control at the distribution centres often as a precautionary action. The process of Managing Product recalls is well defined and regulated as per GMP regulations existing in the country. There is a defined process for handling product recalls by your company. The statutory recalls are mandated by the drug regulatory agency in India and are usually related to product quality testing or labelling discrepancies. Your company follows all statutory recall directions even when your company is not in agreement with the regulator’s recommendations and subsequently handles the matter through necessary appellate and legal channels. Forced recalls 6 5. Does the entity have a framework/ policy on cyber security and risks related to data privacy? (Yes/No) If available, provide a web-link of the policy. Cybersecurity Your company has a global policy on cyber security which can be accessed by employees on your company’s intranet. Data privacy Your company has deployed a detailed data privacy model to manage personal information of individuals including employees, patients, consumers, customers, and healthcare professionals. Your company has outlined 9 privacy principles to follow while dealing with Personal Information (PI). Periodic trainings on identifying and mitigating PI risks at stages of data collection, storage, use, etc. are undertaken. This can be accessed by employees on your company’s intranet. 6, Provide details of any corrective actions taken or underway on issues relating to advertising, and delivery of essential services; cyber security and data privacy of customers; re-occurrence of instances of product recalls; penalty / action taken by regulatory authorities on safety of products / services. With respect to cybersecurity, the issues are identified and resolved globally. With respect to protection of personal information, a data security governance mechanism is in place.
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