GSK_ Annual_Report_2021-22

GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Limited | Annual Report 2021-22 118 (a) Equity share capital ( ` in lakhs) As at March 31, 2022 As at March 31, 2021 Balance at the beginning of the reporting period 169,40.60 169,40.60 Changes in equity share capital during the year - - Balance at the end of the reporting period 169,40.60 169,40.60 (b) Other equity ( ` in lakhs) Reserves and Surplus Items of Other comprehensive income Total Other Equity Capital reserve (i) (Refer Note 57) General reserve (ii) Retained earnings (iii) Capital redemption reserve (iv) Remeasurements of the net defined benefit plans Balance as at April 1, 2021 (19,16.47) 790,74.14 562,71.30 2,61.95 (9,20.02) 1327,70.90 Total comprehensive income Profit for the year - - 1690,52.58 - - 1690,52.58 Other comprehensive loss for the year - - - - (1,84.53) (1,84.53) Add: Acquisition of brand rights 4.00 4.00 Transactions with owners of the company Dividend on equity shares ( ` 30 per share) - - (508,21.81) - - (508,21.81) Balance as at March 31, 2022 (19,12.47) 790,74.14 1745,02.07 2,61.95 (11,04.55) 2508,21.14 Balance as at April 1, 2020 1,65.51 790,74.14 882,76.95 2,61.95 (7,15.18) 1670,63.37 Less: Utilisation of Capital Reserve toward acquisition of vaccines business (Restated as per IndAS 103) (20,81.98) - - - - (20,81.98) Restated balance as at April 1, 2020 (19,16.47) 790,74.14 882,76.95 2,61.95 (7,15.18) 1649,81.39 Total comprehensive income Profit for the year - - 357,56.76 - - 357,56.76 Other comprehensive loss for the year - - - - (2,04.84) (2,04.84) Transactions with owners of the company Dividend on equity shares ( ` 40 per share including special dividend of ` 20 per share) - - (677,62.41) - - (677,62.41) Balance as at March 31, 2021 (19,16.47) 790,74.14 562,71.30 2,61.95 (9,20.02) 1327,70.90 (i) Capital reserve includes Central Government subsidy and capital profit on reissue of shares forfeited of erstwhile Burroughs Wellcome (India) Limited and is not available for distribution as adjusted for the difference between the net consideration paid and net assets acquired from GlaxoSmithKline Asia Private Limited (Refer Note 57). (ii) General reserve represents the transfer of profits from retained earnings. (iii) Retained earnings represents the cumulative profits of the Company which can be utilised in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013. (iv) Capital redemption reserve is on account of buy back of equity shares and it is not available for distribution. Standalone Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended March 31, 2022 In terms of our report attached For Deloitte Haskins & Sells LLP For and on behalf of the Board of Directors Chartered Accountants R. S. Karnad Chairperson DIN: 00008064 Firm‘s Registration No. 117366W/W-100018 S. Venkatesh Managing Director DIN: 07263117 J. Chandy CFO & Whole-time Director DIN: 09530618 Rupen K. Bhatt D. Sundaram Audit Committee Chairman DIN: 00016304 Partner A. Nadkarni Company Secretary FCS 10460 Membership No. 046930 Mumbai, May 16, 2022 Mumbai, May 16, 2022