GSK_ Annual_Report_2021-22

GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Limited | Annual Report 2021-22 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended March 31, 2022 196 Note 31 : Key Financial Ratios Ratio Numerator Denominator Mar-22 Mar-21 Variance Reason for variance 1 Current Ratio Current assets Current Liabilities 1.47 0.90 63% Due to improvement in working capital on account of repayment of dues to employees in other current liabilities. 2 Return on Equity Profit after tax Shareholders Equity 42.64% 10.28% 315% Operational activities commenced in November'2020 with increase in demand, production and sales resulting in increase in profits. 3 Inventory Turnover Ratio Sale of Products Average inventories 3.56 1.08 231% Operational activities commenced in November'2020 with increase in demand, production and sales resulting in improved ratios. 4 Trade Payables Turnover Ratio Cost of Goods Sold + Expenses Average trade payales 2.91 1.90 53% Operational activities commenced in November'2020 with increase in demand, production and sales resulting in improved ratios. 5 Net Capital Turnover Ratio Sale of Products Working Capital 6.09 -3.27 286% Operational activities commenced in November'2020 with increase in demand, production and sales resulting in improved ratios. 6 Net Profit Ratio Profit after tax Revenue from operations 5.19% 4.62% 12% Operational activities commenced in November'2020 with increase in demand, production and sales resulting in increase in profits. 7 Return on Capital Employed Profit before interest and tax Net Worth 24.77% 13.51% 83% Operational activities commenced in November'2020 with increase in demand, production and sales resulting in increase in profits. 8 Debt Equity Ratio Debt Total Equity 1.48 - 100% Loan from Parent company taken in current year 9 Debt service coverage ratio Net profit before tax plus interest cost minus non- operating income and non cash income Interest+ Outstanding Loans 0.40 - 100% Loan from Parent company taken in current year The Trade receivable Turnover ratio is not applicable to the company as all of the trade receivables are Group Companies which are disclosed under other current financial assets. The Return on Investment ratio is also not applicable to the company 32 In view to make financial statements comparable, previous period’s figures have been regrouped wherever necessary. As per our report of even date attached For and on behalf of the Board For CORNELIUS & DAVAR CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS (Firm’s Registration No.101963W) S. Venkatesh Director DIN: 07263117 J. Chandy Director DIN: 09530618 RUSTOM D. DAVAR (PARTNER) Membership No. F10620 R. Mota Company Secretary ACS 38473 Place : Mumbai Date: May 9, 2022 UDIN: 22010620AIQVGD8202 Place : Mumbai Date: May 9, 2022