GSK_ Annual_Report_2021-22

GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Limited | Annual Report 2021-22 18 Board of Directors (As on 15.06.2022) Chairperson Ms. R. S. Karnad Managing Director S. Venkatesh Directors M. Anand (w.e.f. 16.05.2022) P. V. Bhide J. Chandy (w.e.f. 01.04.2022) M. Dawson (upto 30.06.2022) N. Kaviratne CBE Dr. (Ms.) S. Maheshwari A. N. Roy D. Sundaram Ms. P. Thakur (upto 31.03.2022) S. Williams Company Secretary A. Nadkarni Audit Committee D. Sundaram – Chairman M. Anand P. V. Bhide Ms. R. S. Karnad N. Kaviratne CBE Risk Management Committee D. Sundaram – Chairman M. Anand P. V. Bhide Ms. R. S. Karnad N. Kaviratne CBE Stakeholders’ Relationship Committee Ms. R. S. Karnad - Chairperson P. V. Bhide S. Ventakesh Nomination & Remuneration Committee N. Kaviratne CBE - Chairman Ms. R. S. Karnad D. Sundaram Corporate Social Responsibility Committee A. N. Roy - Chairman Dr. (Ms.) S. Maheshwari S. Venkatesh Management Team Managing Director S. Venkatesh Whole-time Director & Chief Financial Officer J. Chandy Executive Vice-Presidents B. Akshikar - General Medicines Ms. S. Choudhary - Regulatory Affairs S. Dheri - Vaccines A. Pandey - Legal Dr. (Ms.) R. Hegde - Medical Affairs R. D’Souza - Communications & Government Affairs C. Sharma - Human Resources Vice-Presidents S. Balasubramanian - Ethics & Compliance Ms. P. Hingorani - Commercial Excellence A. Kashyap - Technology R. Manchanda - Customer Supply Chain S. Mitra - Specialty A. Nadkarni - Real Estate, Administration & Company Secretary Registered Office GSK House, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai - 400 030 Tel.: 24959595, Fax: 24959494 Website: Email: CIN: L24239MH1924PLC001151 Factory Ambad, Nashik Share Department GSK House, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai - 400 030 Telephone: 022-24959415/434 Fax: 022-24981526 Email: Statutory Auditor Deloitte Haskins and Sells LLP Cost Auditor R. Nanabhoy & Co. Secretarial Auditor Parikh & Associates Solicitors Khaitan & Co., Desai & Diwanji Crawford Bayley & Co. AZB & Partners Bankers Deutsche Bank Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Registrar & Share Transfer Agent KFin Technologies Limited (Formerly Known as KFin Technologies Private Limited) Unit: GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Limited Selenium Tower B, Plot No. 31 & 32 Gachibowli, Financial District Nanakramguda, Serilingampally, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500 032 Tel. No.: 040-67162222 Fax No.: 040-23001153 Toll Free No.: 1800-3454-001 Email: Website: