GSK_ Annual_Report_2021-22
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended March 31, 2022 257 Consequently, the transfer has been disclosed as Discontinued Operations in accordance with Ind AS 105 “Non-Current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations”. The previous periods have been restated to give effect to the presentation requirements of Ind AS 105. (ii) Financial performance related to discontinued operations: ( ` in lakhs ) Year ended March 31, 2022 Year ended March 31, 2021 Revenue from operations 298,04.68 273,26.05 Total income 298,04.68 273,26.05 Expenses Cost of materials consumed (1,05.73) 24.01 Purchases of stock-in-trade 54,75.02 57,02.26 Changes in inventories of finished goods, stock-in-trade and work-in-progress 3,28.23 (1,40.54) Depreciation and amortisation expense 39.59 67.87 Other expenses 168,15.25 120,21.67 Total expenses 225,52.36 176,75.27 Profit before tax 72,52.32 96,50.78 Tax Expense : Current tax 19,98.87 25,62.94 Profit from discontinued operations after tax 52,53.45 70,87.84 Gain on Sale of brands and other identified assets before tax 1635,65.34 - Tax on above 374,23.75 - Gain on Sale of brands and other identified assets (net of tax) 1261,41.59 - (iii) Cash flow disclosure with respect to discontinued operations: ( ` in lakhs ) Year ended March 31, 2022 Year ended March 31, 2021 Cash flow from operating activities 68,71.24 99,10.81 Cash flow from investing activities 1561,38.28 - Note 56 : Key Financial Ratios Ratio Numerator Denominator Mar-22 Mar-21 Variance Reason for variance 1 Current Ratio Current assets Current Liabilities 2.18 1.49 46% Mainly on account of cash received from sale of brands and other identified assets 2 Debt Equity Ratio Debt Shareholders Equity 1% 2% -1% 3 Debt Service Coverage Ratio Net profit after tax plus interest cost minus non-operating income and non cash income Interest & lease payments +Principal payments 21.81 23.72 -8% 4 Return on Equity Profit after tax Shareholders Equity 22% 27% -5% 5 Inventory Turnover Ratio Sale of Products Average inventories 6.59 6.16 7% 6 Trade Receivables Turnover Ratio Sale of Products Average trade receivables 16.93 20.10 -16% Mainly on account of higher receivables subsequently realised. 7 Trade Payables Turnover Ratio Cost of Goods Sold + Expenses Average trade payales 4.11 4.59 -10%
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