GSK_ Annual_Report_2021-22

GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Limited | Annual Report 2021-22 44 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) Sl. No. Name of the Project Item from the list of activities in Schedule VII to the Act. Local area* (Yes/No) Location of the project Project Duration (in Year) Amount allocated for the project^ (in ` Lakh) Amount spent in the current FY (in ` Lakh) Amount transferred to Unspent CSR Account for the project as per Section 135(6) (in ` Lakh) Mode of Implementation Direct (Yes/No) Mode of Implementation - Through Implementing Agency State District Name CSR Registration number Education 6. Mainstreaming children who are school dropouts by enhancing their grade level competencies Promoting Education, Including Special Education and Employment Enhancing Vocational Skills No Haryana Gurugram 1 2.11 2.11 0.00 No Sakshi CSR00000232 Total 279.88 279.88 0.00 * Note: Local area means project undertaken around Head/Registered Office i.e. Mumbai. ^ Amount allocated for the ongoing project is for FY 21-22 only. (c) Details of CSR amount spent against other than ongoing projects for the financial year: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Sl. No. Name of the Project Item from the list of activities in Schedule VII to the Act. Local area* (Yes/ No) Location of the project Amount spent for the project (in ` Lakh) Mode of implementation Direct (Yes/No) Mode of Implementation - Through Implementing Agency State District Name CSR Registration number Partnering India to eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis (LF - also known as Elephant Foot) 1. Albendazole donation for supporting mass drug administration Promoting Healthcare; Eradicating Hunger, Poverty and Malnutrition; Sanitation No Pan India Pan India 788.32 Yes - - 2. Integration of Morbidity Management and Disability Prevention with public health system Promoting Healthcare; Eradicating Hunger, Poverty and Malnutrition; Sanitation No Uttar Pradesh Unnao, Sitapur 29.20 No Project Concern International CSR00003256 Covid response 3. Covid support to frontline warriors Covid support to frontline warriors No - 73.00 Yes Give Foundation CSR00000389 Project Monitoring and Evaluation 4 Monitoring and evaluation of CSR projects NA - - - 18.89 No - Total 909.41 * Note: Local area means project undertaken around Head/Registered Office i.e. Mumbai. (d) Amount spent in Administrative Overheads: ` 62.68 lakh (e) Amount spent on Impact Assessment, if applicable: ` 1.77 (f) Total amount spent for the Financial Year (8b+8c+8d+8e): ` 1253.74 lakh Sl. No. Preceding Financial Year Amount transferred to Unspent CSR Account under section 135 (6) (in ` Lakh) Amount spent in the reporting Financial Year (in ` Lakh) Amount transferred to any fund specified under Schedule VII as per section 135(6) , if any. Amount remaining to be spent in succeeding financial years. (in ` Lakh) Name of the Fund Amount (in ` Lakh) Date of transfer Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Total Annexure ‘A’ Report on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)