GSK_ Annual_Report_2021-22

51 Employees Your Company involves and listens to employees to help maintain strong employee engagement and retain talented people. How your Company engages with employees — Regular interactive events christened ‘Let’s Talk’ — Facilitating dialogue and collaboration through various internal communication platforms — Women’s Leadership Initiative and Employee Resource Groups covering different strands of diversity — Global all-employee survey and One80 Survey for employees to provide feedback pertaining to line managers What matters — Opportunities for career growth and personal development — Flexible working to enable balancing wider responsibilities — Working in an inclusive and diverse environment — Working for a Company with purpose What your Company is doing — Providing all employees with access to a new development portal with resources that are most relevant to their roles, development needs and interests — Formal flexible working and career policies — Monitoring employee engagement through the employee survey and acting on feedback to improve engagement Ambition for patients Your Company is constantly seeking new ways of delivering healthcare and making its products available and affordable to people who need them, across all geographies. To expand access to its products, GSK has led the industry by adopting a flexible pricing approach for its medicines and vaccines, which is based on a country’s ability to pay. This has resulted in a significant reduction of prices in India, expanding access to patients. Your Company adheres to local and GSK global standards with respect to product quality and provides all information, as required under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act and Rules in its product packaging. As of 31 March 2022, from a quality perspective, 39 complaints which were reported to the Company are being investigated as per Company standards. As of 31 March 2022, there are five consumer complaints pending before the court and consumer forums. Your Company is committed to identifying and managing Human Safety Information (HSI)/Adverse Event (AE) to help safeguard those who take its products or take part in GSK clinical trials (HSI is defined as information relating to human health and/or wellbeing following exposure to GSK products, including AE information). If anyone at GSK becomes aware of any HSI/AE in the course of their work, they must report it to the Central Safety Department (CSD) or their Company’s Pharmacovigilance Team within 24 hours of their awareness, which can be done through the Human Safety Information (HSI)/Adverse Events (AE) reporting email - india. Protecting our patients means taking this information seriously and your Company provides regular reports and discusses actions with regulatory authorities. Human Rights Your Company conforms to local laws as well as global GSK policies. Your Company has direct control over human rights in its own operations and aims to act responsibly across all spheres, which include our employees, suppliers, local communities and the society, at large. Employees Your Company’s employment standards promote diversity and inclusion, equal opportunities, health, safety and protection of human rights. Suppliers Your Company’s third parties are required to meet its guidelines for ethical standards and human rights. Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) audits helps it identify potential breaches of human rights clauses. Communities Your Company acts responsibly towards communities in which it operates and supports them as part of its role as a responsible corporate citizen. Society Your Company’s efforts to improve access to healthcare and SDGs help promote the welfare of society, fulfilling our purpose to get ahead of disease together. Read our Position Statement on Human Rights at https://www. Environment protection Your Company continues to support environmental initiatives through its environmental sustainability strategy that is implemented across the entire value chain - from raw materials to product disposal. As your Company grows its business to bring innovative medicines to people across the world, environmental sustainability continues to be a priority and your Company remains committed to reducing any adverse impact to the environment. Your Company’s policies on environment conforms to local laws as well as GSK’s global standards.