GSK_ Annual_Report_2021-22

GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Limited | Annual Report 2021-22 52 The packaging of your Company’s products plays an important role in delivering safe, stable and trusted medicines and vaccines. However, the plastic used in product packaging has an impact on the environment. In alignment with our commitment towards environmental sustainability and compliance with locally applicable laws and regulations, we continued with our Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) obligation and collected back 1652.75 MT of post-consumer plastic waste from the market in FY 2021-22 on a pan-India basis and disposed the plastic waste in an environmentally sound manner. Your Company is committed to reducing the environmental footprint from the production of antibiotics at its manufacturing site at Nashik, and at the third-party manufacturers, by controlling the release of antibiotics into the environment within the science-driven, risk-based discharge limits. Various initiatives for energy efficiency and renewable energy were undertaken at your Company’s manufacturing facility at Nashik during the year. The facility undertook initiatives for reducing water consumption on principles of reduction, recycling and re-use in applications across the facility. There was zero discharge with respect to water, and treated site effluents were used for site gardening. There were also continued efforts to monitor noise levels and gaseous emissions from the boiler and recycle waste. These initiatives resulted in sustaining a high level of energy efficiency. The emissions generated by your Company were within the limit specified by the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board. As part of our waste management processes, waste has been segregated and given to the government approved vendors for recycling and incineration, as appropriate. To read more about GSK’s global environmental initiatives, please log on to our website ( responsibility/environment/ ) . Public policy and patient advocacy Your Company is a member of various industrial and trade bodies such as the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) and the Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India (OPPI), the India Business Councils of UK and US and Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PHRMA). Your Company is part of various task forces and sub-committees working on critical issues such as clinical trials, drug pricing and forums within these chambers. Your Company works closely with industry bodies to devise strategies to improve healthcare access in the country, and advocates for creating a business-friendly environment in the country. Safeguarding our workplace The Company has in place a Prevention of Sexual Harassment policy in line with the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013. An internal committee has been set up to redress complaints received regarding sexual harassment (SH). All employees (permanent, contractual, temporary, trainees) are covered under this policy. The information on complaints received under this policy is a part of the Directors’ Report. During the year, your Company received two SH complaints & two SH complaints were already under investigation. All four complaints have been closed. Inclusive growth and equitable development Your Company has a long legacy of partnering communities in which it operates. It undertakes Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) projects focused on making life-changing, long-term differences by addressing some of the major health-related concerns and to provide support to academically proficient albeit financially constrained students access to medical education through the recently launched GSK Scholars programme. Your Company works to fulfil this through community-based partnerships since local organisations have deep insights into the needs of their people and the strategies which stand the greatest chance at success. For more details on your Company’s CSR projects, please refer to to the CSR section on our website ( corporate- social-responsibility-programmes/ ). Your Company also encourages its employees to contribute towards community initiatives through employee volunteering programmes. Your Company has a range of volunteering initiatives from one day of volunteering for each employee called Orange Day. In FY 2021-22, despite challenges due to Covid, employees contributed over 5,200 volunteering hours towards varied social causes. On behalf of the Board of Directors Ms. R. S. Karnad Mumbai, 16 May 2022 Chairperson Annexure ‘B’ Business Responsibility (BR) Report