GSK_ Annual_Report_2021-22
83 Corporate office Specific commitments, goals and targets set by the entity with defined timelines, if any. Performance of the entity against the specific commitments, goals, and targets along with reasons in case the same are not met. • Your company has set internal targets for improving the mental well-being of employees. • In order to sensitize managers towards mental well-being of their teams, your company has provided trainings to 73% of managers. For more details, refer Principle 3 • Your company has set global safety improvement targets by way of standardized operating procedures contained in the Life-Saving-Rules (LSR). • Your company aims to achieve over 90% awareness and compliance with Independent Business Monitoring (IBM) Standards (Overall for 6 IBM standards). • Your company conducts refresher campaigns and awareness drives based on the Life Saving Rules for improving health and safety outcomes. • The Global Driver Safety Standard (for field sales employees) to prevent road accidents has been successfully implemented. • Overall compliance with the 6 IBM standards is 83% for the reporting year. • Your company intends to improve the physical and nutritional well-being for more than 30% of its workforce. • Your company has received a Gold certification Score (79/100) from the US Green Building Council in its health and well-being initiatives. 6. Details of the highest authority responsible for implementation and oversight of the Business Responsibility policy/policies Director Identification Number (DIN): 07263117 Name: Mr. Sridhar Venkatesh Designation: Managing Director 7. Details of Review of NGRBCs by your company: Performance against policies and follow up action Performance against policies is governed by internal mechanisms covered under these policies. Any non-compliances are flagged as per the centralized system for appropriate action. Compliance with statutory requirements of relevance to the principles, and the rectification of any non-compliances Your company has no reportable non-compliances Section C: Principle-wise Performance Disclosure This section is aimed at helping companies demonstrate their performance in integrating the Principles and Core Elements of the National Guidelines on Responsible Business Conduct (NGRBC). 3.1 Principle 1: Businesses should conduct and govern themselves with integrity, and in a manner that is Ethical, Transparent and Accountable. Your company ensures that we do business with integrity, accountability and transparency. The GSK Code of Conduct (‘Code’) is the guiding principle to the delivery of ethical business conduct, and we abide by the values and expectations set forth within the Code. In addition, the Code of Practice for Promotional and Non-promotional External Interactions provides principles for our external interactions that aim to enhance the understanding and appropriate use of GSK medicines and vaccines for the benefit of individual patients and populations. In conjunction with our supporting policies and procedures, enables us to conduct our external interactions in a way that adheres to relevant laws, regulations, and external codes We are patient-focused, and we respect the people whom we serve and work with, which includes our colleagues and society at large. In addition to our firm-level written codes and policies, we work to comply with the applicable local laws, regulations, industry codes and requirements to deliver the best products and services to our stakeholders.
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