GSK_ Annual_Report_2021-22
GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Limited | Annual Report 2021-22 90 6. Membership of employees and workers in association(s) or Unions recognized by the listed entity: • The company works with unions for the mutual benefit of its members and provides them the necessary forums to voice their opinions and effectively represent themselves. Your company engages with several unions representing Medical Business Associates (MBAs) of Pharmaceutical Marketing at your company’s sales locations (Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai). • The company also engages with union representing workmen at the Nashik plant. • The company guarantees the MBA and workmen respectively of their right to freedom of association for collective bargaining arrangements. • The management and all the four unions have recently signed long-term wage and benefits settlements, operative for a period of four years i.e., till 30 September 2023. 7. Details of training given to employees and workers: Health and safety: At Nashik plant, 12 types of health and safety trainings were provided to the management and non- management staff. 100% of the eligible population was covered under those trainings. The list of trainings includes first aid training, safety induction and refresher, role/function based specific training, firefighting training, stop for safety sessions, significant incident fatality training, emergency preparedness, awareness covid, diet, health, heat wave, seasonal flu, malaria etc. 6 types of trainings were given to non-permanent staff. 100% of the eligible population was covered under those trainings. Skill upgradation: 1993 6 trainings for employees and 18207 6 for workers were conducted on skill upgradation in FY 2021- 22. The number of skill upgradation trainings for employees and workers in FY 2020-21 was 7804 6 and 33318 6 respectively. Throughout multiple pandemic waves, your company focused on skill enhancement of its field force to upgrade their skills and efficiencies amid the new norms of functioning. The key areas in which such trainings were conducted included productivity, time management, team management, management essentials, managing performance and development, embracing & delivering change, personal impact, self- awareness & emotional intelligence, and marketing. Your company has developed several in-house competencies to meet the diverse learning needs of employees. • Your company has activated a virtual university called Keep Growing Campus, which is a blended e-learning & experiential learning space to enable on-the-go learning. • Your company continues to assess and develop field force into First Line Leaders through a holistic program, Lakshya. • The program Catalyst, through a blended approach of training, development and evaluation over a course of 4 months, develops the First Line Leaders to become Second Line Leaders through inputs by internal facilitators, subject matter experts and a neutral leadership evaluation. • Your company also activated a First Line Leader (FLL) training for all first-time team leaders. The program focused on 4 themes for all managers- Motivate, Focus, Care, Develop. • Your company has also invested in the Second Line Leaders on the field under the program Lesson Up. • The Selling Excellence team partnered with the commercial, compliance and HR teams to launch initiatives like Empower 2 Excel to improve field managers’ capabilities around best practices, emotional intelligence, feedback and accountability. • Your company introduced the Lead Craft program to the field force to improve leading self behaviour, growth mindset and teamwork. 8. Details of performance and career development reviews of employees and worker: For employees The performance cycle for employees is from January to December. The mechanism is as follows – • Employees prepare performance and development goals to align their career objectives to GSK’s IPT (c) (Innovation, Performance, Trust, Culture) priorities. Every employee is requested to prepare a development plan. For Calendar Year 2022, 98% employees completed their development goals. • At the end of the performance cycle, based on discussions, the performance of the employee is evaluated – whether the employee has performed as per expectations or not. Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report 6 Number of trainings taken (Persons x No. of individual trainings done)
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