GSK_ Annual_Report_2021-22

GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Limited | Annual Report 2021-22 94 Stakeholder Group Channels of communication (Email, SMS, Newspaper, Pamphlets, Advertisement, Community Meetings, Notice Board, Website) , Other Frequency of engagement Purpose and scope of engagement including key topics and concerns raised during such engagement We ensure responsible sales and marketing practices including local laws and applicable industry codes are followed while interacting with HCPs. Investors Annual General Meeting, Analysts’ Meet, Detailed Company information made available online, One-to-one meetings between institutional investors and Managing Director and Chief Financial Officer As required Financial performance and business outlook Government and Drug Regulators Websites, Emails, Meetings, Industry Forums, Submissions through online Regulatory Agency portals or direct submissions to Regulatory Agency office As required Policy and Regulatory Matters, Grant and maintenance of licenses to import, manufacture and market GSK’s products in India, pricing of medicines and other regulatory approvals Community, NGOs, multilateral organizations Partnering with multilateral organisations like the World Health Organization (WHO), NGOs/institutions As required Providing access to medicines, Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and World Health Organization (WHO) targets for specific disease area, Promoting healthcare and education. Suppliers 5 step Procurement Processes – Suppler Market Research, RFPs, Bidding, Supplier Relationship management, and contract management Need based Identification of right partners to enable our growth agenda, ensuring compliance to our global ways of working and sustainable procurement practices, while delivering savings. Employees Internal communications, Employee Resource Groups Manager/ employee evaluations and surveys. As required Business outlook, business performance, career opportunities and personal development, creating an inclusive work environment for our diverse set of employees. Leadership Indicators Details of instances of engagement with, and actions taken to, address the concerns of vulnerable/ marginalized stakeholder groups. Your company engages with vulnerable and marginalized communities through its CSR programmes which are targeted to benefit vulnerable and marginalized stakeholder groups. We conduct voluntary impact assessments for few of our projects to understand their impact and understand concerns, if any. For more details, please refer to the CSR initiatives mentioned under Section A. 3.5 Principle 5: Businesses should respect and promote human rights We understand our responsibility to respect and protect human rights wherever we do business. We are committed to upholding the human rights of every individual or collective, within our own operations and within our value chain. We have zero tolerance toward violence, harassment, unreasonable, offensive or threatening behaviour of any kind. To manage and mitigate such inappropriate behaviour, periodic training is provided to all employees on our Code of Conduct and the prevention of sexual harassment and misconduct at the workplace. Additionally, the ‘GSK Culture Survey’ is conducted annually to receive feedback from our employees, and understand their needs and expectations in order to improve our workspace and create a fostering environment for our people. Our Code of Conduct outlines the responsibilities of each individual within your company towards the protection of human rights. We strive to prevent, mitigate and remedy negative impacts that our business activities/ relationships may have on our employees, patients, consumers, workers and society. We conform to all applicable national laws, GSK policies and the expectations set forth in the international bill of human rights. Your company’s Statement on Human Rights can be accessed at GSK/Human rights statement Essential Indicators 1. Employees and workers who have been provided training on human rights issues and policy(ies) of the entity. Human rights issues include issues related to sexual harassment and labour rights. As a multinational organisation with global outreach, we recognize that we have a role to play in upholding human rights and in addressing adverse human rights impacts Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report