GSK_ Annual_Report_2021-22
95 where we are in a position to influence. We conduct periodic training related to the code of conduct, ethics, inclusion and diversity, etc. These are mandatory in nature for all our employees. 2. Details of minimum wages paid to employees and workers, in the following format ALL permanent employees and workers at your company are consistently paid wages which are more than the minimum wage. 3. Describe the internal mechanisms in place to redress grievances related to human rights issues. Your company has a ‘Speak Up’ programme (managed by independent third-party managers) which offers employees and other relevant stakeholders, a range of channels to voice concerns and report any misconduct. The Speak Up channel and procedures encourage everyone to raise concerns about potential unethical, illegal, sexual harassment or inappropriate conduct and assure confidentiality and protection from retaliation, retribution or any form of harassment to those reporting such concerns. The Speak Up channels can be accessed at on your company’s website. The Code of Conduct which includes details of the Speak Up process can be accessed on our website. Your company also has a Whistleblower policy in place. Please refer to Sr. No. 5 of Principle 3 for more details. 4. Number of Complaints on the following made by employees and workers: Child Labour • No complaints relating to child labour, forced labour, wages in current financial year or previous financial year. Forced Labour Wages Sexual harassment • 2 sexual harassment complaints filed for FY 2021-22, which were resolved before the end of year • 3 sexual harassment complaints filed for FY 2020-21, out of which 2 were being investigated at year end and were closed within the given timeline Discrimination at workplace • No cases for FY 2021-22 • 3 cases filed for FY 2020-21, which were resolved before year end 5. Mechanisms to prevent adverse consequences to the complainant in discrimination and harassment cases. Your company prohibits retaliation against anyone who raises or reports concerns and will take disciplinary action to and including dismissal (in accordance with local labour laws) of any employee who threatens or engages in retaliation or harassment of someone who has reported, or is considering reporting, a concern in good faith. 6. Do human rights requirements form part of your business agreements and contracts? (Yes/No) Yes, business agreements and contracts entered into by your company with third parties include standard contract clause for labour rights which requires self-assessment on issues of child labour, forced labour, safe and healthy workplace, non- discrimination, abusive practices, minimum wages, working hours, and trade unions. 7. Assessments of the year Matters Details Child labour, Forced/involuntary labour, Sexual harassment, Discrimination at workplace No specific assessments were carried out by your company or any statutory body or third parties Wages 100% compliance of Provident Fund as per audit by RPFC officials. There are no adverse compliance remarks for the PF Trust. Labour Our branch office at Chennai was audited by the Labour Officer from the Commissionerate of Labour. The review was satisfactory and there were no reported observations.
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