
Notes to the Standalone Financial Statements for the year ended March 31, 2021 (contd.) Annual Report 2020-21 119 Note 26 : Movement in provisions ( ` in lakhs) Particulars Rationalisation relating to a manufacturing site Pricing matters Long term incentive Plan Divestment / restructuring Expected sales returns Associated cost to impairment and cost to sell Severance pay Provision for Zinetac (Other costs) Others Refer note (i) Refer note (ii) Refer note (iii) Refer note (ii) Refer note (iv) Refer note (v) Refer note (v) Refer note (vi) Refer note (vii) Balance as at April 1, 2020 - 122,70.82 10,06.07 1,92.96 52,33.04 64,10.87 31,51.74 18,91.00 116,11.96 Add: Provision during the year - - 12,85.06 - 75,54.27 - - - 29,23.00 Less: Amounts utilised/reversed during the year - - 9,86.71 - 55,00.03 47,69.87 12,13.35 11,86.00 8,58.77 Balance as at March 31, 2021 - 122,70.82 13,04.42 1,92.96 72,87.28 16,41.00 19,38.39 7,05.00 136,76.19 Balance as at April 1, 2019 31.43 122,70.82 8,13.64 12,02.83 39,69.13 - - - 71,51.61 Add: Provision during the year - - 13,21.17 - 52,71.55 71,24.76 63,25.51 18,91.00 64,70.59 Less: Amounts utilised/reversed during the year 31.43 - 11,28.74 10,09.87 40,07.64 7,13.89 31,73.77 - 20,10.24 Balance as at March 31, 2020 - 122,70.82 10,06.07 1,92.96 52,33.04 64,10.87 31,51.74 18,91.00 116,11.96 Notes: (i) Rationalisation relating to a manufacturing site: This represented an estimated amount of cost required to be incurred to rationalise closed manufacturing site of the Company which was utilised/reversed during the previous year. (ii) Pricing matters, Divestment/ Restructuring and other matters: Provision for pricing matters, Divestment/ Restructuring and other matters made for probable liabilities/ claims arising out of pending dispute, litigations/ commercial transactions with statutory authorities/ third parties. The outflow with regard to the said matters depends on the exhaustion of remedies available to the Company under the law and hence the Company is not able to reasonably ascertain the timing of the outflow. Also refer notes 41 and 42. (iii) Long term incentive plan: Refer note 52. (iv) Expected sales returns: This represents provision made for expected sales returns. Revenue is adjusted for the expected value of returns. (v) Associated cost to impairment, cost to sell and severance pay: Refer note 3(b), note 38(b) and note 38(c) . (vi) Provision for Zinetac (Other costs) : Refer note 38(a). (vii) Consists mainly of provisions in respect of indirect tax matters. ( ` in lakhs) Year ended March 31, 2021 Year ended March 31, 2020 Note 27 : Revenue from operations A. Sale of products Sale of products 3160,14.60 3187,35.11 3160,14.60 3187,35.11 B. Other operating revenue Service income 20,67.58 24,08.67 Manufacturing charges recovery 7,60.93 11,73.34 Others 5,30.52 1,50.90 33,59.03 37,32.91 Total Revenue from operations (A + B) 3193,73.63 3224,68.02