
Notes to the Standalone Financial Statements for the year ended March 31, 2021 (contd.) Annual Report 2020-21 121 ( ` in lakhs) Year ended March 31, 2021 Year ended March 31, 2020 Note 31 : Employee benefits expense Salaries, wages and bonus 563,60.56 571,05.16 Contributions to : Provident and pension funds (Refer Note 39) 24,51.01 25,81.71 Gratuity funds (Refer Note 39) 8,93.70 12,83.41 Staff welfare expense 17,63.52 18,85.07 614,68.79 628,55.35 Note 32 : Finance Costs On Security deposits 34.99 21.53 Interest in respect of financial lease liability 3,18.15 3,28.53 Interest on income tax payment - 2,22.19 Others - 61.30 3,53.14 6,33.55 Note 33 : Depreciation and amortization expense On Property, Plant and Equipment (Refer Note 3) 54,25.64 55,78.14 On Investment Properties (Refer Note 4) 14.38 14.38 On Other Intangible assets (Refer Note 5) 9,03.35 9,77.99 On Right to use Assets (Building) (Refer Note 46) 15,84.99 16,97.26 79,28.36 82,67.77 ( ` in lakhs) Year ended March 31, 2021 Year ended March 31, 2020 Note 34 : Other expenses Sales promotion 128,59.49 138,22.95 Stock point commission 19,90.22 19,96.50 Freight 42,42.60 54,17.01 Travelling 46,88.44 87,52.50 Loss on disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment (net) 5.88 - Exchange loss (net) - 12,36.98 Manufacturing charges 81,96.22 89,67.47 Repairs: Buildings 7,74.58 6,11.52 Plant and Machinery 13,71.55 11,00.90 21,46.13 17,12.42