
Financial Statements GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Limited 154 BIDDLE SAWYER LIMITED BaLancE SHEEt as at 31st MarcH, 2021 ` in Lakhs Note No. As at March 31, 2021 As at March 31, 2020 ASSETS Non-current assets Investment properties 2 2.08 2.08 Financial assets (i) Loans 3 - - Current tax assets (net) 4,97.08 4,92.75 Deferred tax assets (net) 25 1,45.68 1,63.91 Other non-current assets 4 4,28.70 1,51.54 10,73.54 8,10.28 Current assets Inventories 5 23,35.96 - Financial Assets (i) Cash and cash equivalents 6 28.72 6,78.36 (ii) Bank balances other than (i) above 7 1.45 10,01.45 (iii) Other financial assets 8 0.77 6.42 Other current assets 9 11,60.13 1,59.43 35,27.03 18,45.66 TOTAL ASSETS 46,00.57 26,55.94 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity Equity share capital 10 & 17 96.00 96.00 Other Equity 11 4,68.16 4,10.18 Total equity 5,64.16 5,06.18 LIABILITIES Non-current liabilities Financial liabilities (i) Other financial liabilities 12 1.35 1.35 Provisions 13 1,25.33 1,25.33 1,26.68 1,26.68 Current liabilities Financial liabilities (i) Trade payables 14 22,07.94 3,22.58 Other current liabilities 15 17,01.79 17,00.50 39,09.73 20,23.08 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 46,00.57 26,55.94 Significant Accounting Policies & Notes on Accounts As per our report of even date attached For and on behalf of the Board For CORNELIUS & DAVAR CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS (Firm’s Registration No.101963W) Sridhar Venkatesh Director DIN: 07263117 Puja Thakur Director DIN: 07971789 RUSTOM D. DAVAR (PARTNER) Membership No. F10620 Place : Mumbai Date: May 10, 2021 UDIN: 21010620AAAABG3059 Rohan Mota Company Secretary ACS 38473 As per our report of even date attached For and on behalf of the Board For CORNELIUS & DAVAR CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS (Firm’s Registration No.101963W) Sridhar Venkatesh Director DIN: 07263117 Puja Thakur Director DIN: 07971789 RUSTOM D. DAVAR (PARTNER) Membership No. F10620 Place : Mumbai Date: May 10, 2021 UDIN: 21010620AAAABG3059 Rohan Mota Company Secretary ACS 38473 StatEmEnt of profit and Loss for tHE pEriod EndEd MarcH 31, 2021 ` in Lakhs Note No. For the year ended March 31, 2021 For the year ended March 31, 2020 Revenue from Operations 18 12,56.22 - Other Income 19 39.49 1,45.68 Total income 12,95.71 1,45.68 Expenses Cost of materials consumed 20 19,38.60 - Changes in inventories of work- in-progress, stock-in-trade and finished goods 21 (11,89.80) - Other expenses 22 4,70.69 1,26.08 Total expenses 12,19.49 1,26.08 Profit/(loss) before exceptional items and tax 76.22 19.60 Exceptional items 24 - (17,00.00) Profit/(loss) before tax 76.22 (16,80.40) Income tax expenses Current tax 25 - - Deferred tax 25 18.24 10.18 Profit / (Loss) for the period 57.98 (16,90.58) Other Comprehensive Income Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss Remeasurements of defined benefit liability (asset) - - Income tax relating to items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss - - Total Comprehensive Income / (loss) for the period 57.98 (16,90.58) Profit /(loss) attributable to: Owners of the Company 57.98 (16,90.58) Total comprehensive income / (loss) attributable to: Owners of the Company 57.98 (16,90.58) Earnings per equity share 23 6.04 (176.10) Basic and diluted earnings per share The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements