
Annual Report 2020-21 159 ` in Lakhs As at March 31, 2021 As at March 31, 2020 NotE 8 Current financial assets - Others Interest accured on investments/ deposits 0.77 6.42 0.77 6.42 NotE 9 Other current assets Balance with Government Authorities 0.08 0.08 Sundry advances 1,15.33 1,15.33 Current account balances with group companies 10,44.72 44.02 11,60.13 1,59.43 NotE 10 Share capital Equity share capital 96.00 96.00 96.00 96.00 NotE 11 Other Equity General reserve 10,06.01 10,06.01 Capital reserve 2.91 2.91 Retained earnings (5,40.76) (5,98.74) 4,68.16 4,10.18 NotE 12 Non current financial liabilities - Others Security deposits received 0.63 0.63 Other non-current financial liabilities 0.72 0.72 1.35 1.35 NotE 13 Non-current Provisions Drugs Prices Equalisation Account (refer note 16 (ii)) 71.24 71.24 Provision for pricing of formulation 54.09 54.09 1,25.33 1,25.33 NotE 14 Trade and other payables Trade and other payables 22,07.94 3,22.58 22,07.94 3,22.58 NotE 15 Other current liabilities Other liabilities 17,00.00 17,00.00 Statutory dues 1.79 0.50 17,01.79 17,00.50 ` in Lakhs As at March 31, 2021 As at March 31, 2020 16 (i) CONTINGENT LIABILITIES Claims against the Company not acknowledged as debts 2,57.03 2,57.03 Income-tax matters 0.22 0.22 Sales tax matters 19.96 19.96 Guarantee given by the Company to the Customs Authorities 2,00.00 2,00.00 Based on the data obtained by Government, it had directed the Company to pay a tentative amount along with interest due thereon into the Drugs Prices EquilisationAccount (DPEA) under Drugs (Price Control) Order 1979, in respect of Bulk Drug Amoxicillin Trihydrate, on account of alleged unintended benefit enjoyed by the Company. The Company had filed its reply contending that no amount is payable into DPEA. 49.29 49.29 16 (ii) DRUGS PRICES EQUALISATION ACCOUNT The Company received a letter dated 20th/24th August, 1998 from the Central Government demanding an amount of ` 4,40,79,918 comprising ` 1,42,74,110 in respect of prices relating to Salbutamol formulations during the period April, 1979 to December, 1983 with interest thereon amounting to ` 2,98,05,808 upto 31st July, 1998. The Company had been legally advised that the demand of ` 1,42,74,110 is not sustainable and it, therefore follows that the interest demand also cannot be sustained. The total demand has been challenged by the Company in a Writ Petition filed in the Bombay High Court. The Bombay High Court has granted an interim stay of the demand, subject to the Company depositing 50% of the principal amount. Accordingly, the Company has deposited an amount of ` 71,50,000 with the Government on 3rd May, 1999. This is a normal interim order passed by the High court in such matters and does not in any way reflect upon the merits or otherwise of the case. The amount will be refunded if the Company succeeds at the final hearing of the matter. The Government’s application in the Supreme Court praying that this writ petition be transferred to the Supreme Court from the Bombay High Court was not allowed and the Company’s writ petition will now be heard by the Bombay High Court. ` in Lakhs As at March 31, 2021 As at March 31, 2020 17 SHARE CAPITAL Authorised 1,500,000 (Previous year : 1,500,000) Equity Shares of ` 10 each 1,50.00 1,50.00 ISSUED, SUBSCRIBED & PAID-UP: 960,000 (Previous year : 960,000) Equity Shares of ` 10 each fully paid up 96.00 96.00 (of the above 750,000 ordinary shares have been allotted as fully paid-up Bonus shares by capitalisation of General Reserve) TOTAL 96.00 96.00