
Our purpose extends not only to our patients, but also to those who put our purpose into practice – our colleagues. Starting with providing them with complete safety gears (gloves, masks, sanitisers and PPE kits) while reporting to work, to installing safety measures at the workplaces, their health and wellbeing was accorded utmost priority. To help them cope with the new normal and develop emotional resilience, various initiatives were conducted under the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP), including webinars with experts. Tele calling assistance with wellness professionals was also arranged. The Partnership for Prevention (P4P) programme was expanded further to include additional preventive healthcare services. Protecting our people, while working for their wellbeing Harnessing digital capabilities Our continued investments in digital transformation since the last few years yielded rich dividends in a pandemic year. Building on our existing capabilities, we further enhanced our value offerings supporting the volumes and engagement features demanded by the pandemic and beyond. Even as our formidable field force continued working from home, they undertook capability-building modules that helped us deepen our trust and connect with Health Care Professionals (HCPs) for the benefit of the patients. Caring for communities amidst COVID-19 Caring for the communities that we operate within has been a part of our commitment to build a healthier world. Throughout the pandemic, we continued to support our communities and created opportunities for them to reach their full potential. This focus became even more critical, as we promoted a healthier and resilient response to the pandemic through our community outreach. We responded to the Maharashtra government’s call to contribute and supply essential medicines ( Augmentin ) and medical equipments (ventilators, PPEs), thus providing access to healthcare and making a positive and sustainable difference to the society. Later during the year, we initiated a voluntary contribution by the employees towards the Prime Minister’s Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations (PM CARES) Fund, with the organisation matching a similar amount as contributed by them. As a part of our continued social responsibility to fight COVID-19, we donated more than 65,00,000 tablets of Calpol to the Bureau of Pharma PSUs of India. Access accelerated. Hope delivered. We spent the year building a stronger foundation and our goals this year will allow us to fulfil our mission for the patients we serve. Our focus on patients is unwavering. We work with our partners and various stakeholders to improve prevention, care and treatment of diseases through our product portfolio. As a science-and innovation-led biopharmaceutical company, we strive towards improving the health outcomes of patients, thus delivering them with hope when they need it the most. As we build upon our learnings from the last year and adapt ourselves to the new normal, the boundaries of what is possible are expanding ever outwards. 5 Annual Report 2020-21