
Annual Report 2020-21 83 a) Conservation of Energy Nashik site has undertaken various initiatives for energy and water conservation to reduce energy consumption on the site such as the improvement of biomass boiler efficiency, installation of EC drive for AHUs and adoption of LED Lighting. These initiatives have yielded an overall benefit of 840 T of CO2 emissions during the period 2020-21, which is a 7% net reduction as compared to the period 2019-20. Similarly, with projects like condensate recovery improvement, enhanced usage of rainwater and recycling applications, the site has witnessed a reduction in water consumption by 7,865 kL during the period 2020-21, which is an 8% net reduction as compared to 2019-20. The emissions generated by the Company are within limits speci ed by the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board. With regard to waste management, our waste is segregated and given to government approved vendors for recycling wherever appropriate. Our Nashik site runs on zero discharge basis with respect to water. Treated site effluent is used for site gardening and recycled water use applications such as cooling towers. Also, in alignment with GSK’s sustainability commitment towards elimination of ozone depleting substances (ODS), Nashik Site has replaced 176 TR of refrigerant quantity, thereby ensuring 100% elimination of ODS from Site. b) Technology absorption: The following major projects have been completed during the period using new technologies at the Nashik site: ● Upgradation to Derms Area, creating a segregated new facility for manufacture of non steroid products meeting Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) requirements including heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems with terminal high efficiency particulate absorbing (HEPA) filtration. ● Replacement of fire detection system from conventional to addressable. ● Replacement of man material lift in ointment block. ● Elimination of manual packaging from ointment through engineering modifications to existing equipment to convert four manually packed ointment stock keeping units (SKUs). ● Providing a dedusting arrangement in the warehouse unloading receipt area for incoming material with cleaning and exhaust systems. ● Implementing Engineering Controls to mitigate chemical exposure risk in quality control (QC) lab & in welding operations. ● Provision of acoustic enclosures for utility equipment to preclude the need for PPEs in utility service areas in ointments and tablets. ● Providing engineering controls, localized gas generators to eliminate risk of asphyxiation in the QC Lab, along with the elimination of risks relating to gas cylinder handling and process safety. ● Upgrading flooring in tablet dispensary and Albendazole area towards risk mitigation for low Minimum Ignition Energy (MIE) material. ● Replacement of all hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) based equipment to ensure 100% ODS elimination from the site. ● Implementation of engineering controls to eliminate eight priority ergonomic risks at the site. ● Replacement of 30 year old streetlight poles at the site with GI LED type lights. c) Foreign exchange earnings and outgo: The foreign exchange earnings for the year ended 31 March 2021 was ` 2780.23 lakhs and foreign exchange outgo for the year ended 31 March 2021 was ` 113971.49 lakhs. The foreign exchange earnings for the period ended 31 March 2020 was ` 2756.68 lakhs and foreign exchange outgo for the period ended 31 March 2020 was ` 87497.39 lakhs. On behalf of the Board of Directors Ms. R. S. Karnad Mumbai, 18 May 2021 Chairperson Annexure ‘E’ to the Directors’ Report Disclosure pursuant to Section 134(3)(M) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 8 of the Companies (Accounts), Rules 2014