
Annual Report 2020-21 41 challenging times, highlighting your Company’s strong connect with employees. Your Company also launched several culture and capability building initiatives, such as Performance with Choice, GSK Learning Warriors League, GSK Women and Leadership Action Programme (WeLeAP), Commercial Development Programmes, with wide and enthusiastic participation from employees. ‘Workplace by Facebook’, the preferred mode of connecting and collaborating with GSK employees across the globe, helped your Company stay engaged and connected with all employees through the lockdown period. The platform has helped to transform the way employees work together and accelerate the delivery of the IPT framework, while shaping the cultural evolution. Inclusion and diversity Your Company has instituted the Women’s Leadership Initiative (WLI) to promote women’s representation, foster amore inclusive workplace, ensure diversity in perspectives, accelerate capabilities, build talent pool, and pave the way for career growth. Your Company has 11% gender diversity in its workforce, 15% of new hires being women in the commercial organisation, which was traditionally male dominated, 30% women at Board level and 26% women in top leadership positions. During the year, your Company focused on sensitising employees across the organisation through campaigns such as #BreakingBias and WeLeAP 2.0 – GSK Women and Leadership Action Programme, to develop high potential mid-level women talent. As a result of these efforts, your Company was recognised among the 100 Best Companies for Women by Working Mother and AVTAR, the Best Workplaces for Women by Great Places to Work and was also conferred the Advancement of Women Award by Community Business in 2020. Your Company was recognised as one of the top employers by the India Workplace Equality Index (IWEI) – the country’s first comprehensive index for LGBT+ equality. Several initiatives were also undertaken to cater to the differently abled. Learning and development Your Company offers a wide range of learning resources and tools to support individual and team development needs. During the year, employees participated in, and benefited from GSK’s global talent programmes, such as the Asia Leadership Programme for Emerging Leaders, Accelerating Difference Programme, Asia Global Leaders Programme, and IMPACT programme for building specific capabilities to develop leadership talent. Pursuing commercial excellence In 2020, GSK’s Selling Excellence team partnered with the HR team to launch the GSK Learning Warriors League for the commercial organisation, to promote virtual learning for capability building and engagement. Apart from new initiatives to promote excellence, your Company continued to invest in the Future Leaders Programme, Commercial Leadership Programme and the Pharma Supply Chain Leadership Programme, wherein hires from premier B-schools undergo an extensive experiential training before taking up important roles, such as First Line Sales Leader (FLSL). In 2020, with the objective of enhancing its brand awareness among potential campus hires, your Company also launched a virtual case study competition across top B-schools. Wellness and wellbeing Committed to people wellbeing, your Company expanded its offerings under the Partnership for Prevention (P4P) programme during the year, by including two more vaccines in the Flu category. Medical insurance benefits offered to employees were reviewed, as your Company included additional coverage designed specifically for COVID-19, such as home quarantine expenses. Your Company also introduced modular plans in health insurance, giving options to employees to increase their medical coverage. To help employees and their families build resilience and cope with the COVID-19 related challenges, it partnered with external experts for sessions on mental health under the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) and activities centered around physical health, augmenting mental and emotional resilience, wellbeing and nutrition.