GSK_ Annual_Report_2021-22

GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Limited | Annual Report 2021-22 16 Financial Highlights 2021-22 (12 months) 2020-21 (12 months) 2019-20 (12 months) 2018-19 (12 months) 2017-18 (12 months) Revenue from Operations* ( ` in Crores) 2708 2902 2982 2920 3218 *Revenue from operations reflects revenue from operations for continuing operations only. All prior years have been recasted to reflect the same Earnings Per Share (EPS) and Book Value per share ( ` ) 123 126 109 88 158 Earning per share reflects earning per share (excl. exceptional items) for continuing operations only. All prior years have been recasted to reflect the same. * Retrospectively adjusted for September 2018 bonus issue. ** After considering exceptional items, Earnings per equity share for the period 2021-22 would be ` 22.23, 2020-21 would be ` 16.92 and 2019-20 would be ` 2.01 respectively 17.47* 21.57 22.20** 27.13** 21.48** Book Value EPS 2021-22 (12 months) 2020-21 (12 months) 2019-20 (12 months) 2018-19 (12 months) 2017-18 (12 months) Net Profit (Excl. Exceptional Items) and % to Revenue from Operations 296 365 376 460 364* Net profit (excl. exceptional items) reflects Net profit (excl. exceptional items) for continuing operations only. All prior years have been recasted to reflect the same. * Net profit excluding the impact of tax adjustment of prior years would be 552 cr. ** After considering exceptional items, the net profit for the period 2021-22 would be 12%, 2020-21 would be 10% and 2019-20 would be 1% respectively. 11% 13% 13%** 16%** 11%** Net Profit (Excl. Exceptional Items) for the Period ( ` Crores) % to Revenue from Operations 2021-22 (12 months) 2020-21 (12 months) 2019-20 (12 months) 2018-19 (12 months) 2017-18 (12 months) Profit Before Tax (Excl. Exceptional Items) and % to Revenue from Operations 437 566 544 626 762 Profit before tax (excl. exceptional items) reflects profit before tax (excl. exceptional items) for continuing operations only. All prior years have been recasted to reflect the same. * After considering exceptional items, the profit before tax % for the period 2021-22 would be 24%, 2020-21 would be 16% and 2019-20 would be 7% respectively 16% 19% 18%* 21%* 24%* PBT(Excl. Exceptional Items) for the Period ( ` Crores) % to Revenue from Operations 2021-22 (12 months) 2020-21 (12 months) 2019-20 (12 months) 2018-19 (12 months) 2017-18 (12 months) EBITDA and % to Revenue from Operations 421 513 555 598 756 EBITDA reflects EBITDA for continuing operations only. All prior years have been recasted to reflect the same. 16% 18% 19% 20% 23% EBITDA ( ` Crores) % to Revenue from Operations 2021-22 (12 months) 2020-21 (12 months) 2019-20 (12 months) 2018-19 (12 months) 2017-18 (12 months) Utilisation of Income* Contribution to Exchequer12% Surplus retained in business or attributable towards dividends12% Operating Expenses 35% Materials 39% Depreciation 2% * % Utilisation of Income excludes Exceptional Income